Vehicles parked illegally will be ticketed by Campus Safety. In addition, vehicles parked in fire zones or handicap spaces may be cited and/or towed by the Winter Park Police Department. The person who registers the vehicle on campus is held accountable for any violation involving the vehicle. The owner is also responsible for any violations incurred by other drivers of the registered vehicle. Parking and traffic fines must be paid prior to the release of school records, diplomas, certificates and before a student can register for classes or activate pre-registration schedules.

Any person who provides false information on the registration form may be subject to disciplinary action. In addition, current and/ or future parking privileges may be suspended or revoked. Please see, Code of Community Standards--Falsification.

Vehicles may not be left on Rollins College property, to include the parking garage, during the summer months without prior approval of the Department of Campus Safety.

At no time is parking allowed in tenant or reserved space in the parking garage.

All those who violate parking or traffic regulations on campus are subject to the following citations:

  • Parked in a fire lane $110.00
  • Parked in a handicap/ disabled space $110.00
  • Illegal use of decal $85.00
  • Careless/ Reckless driving $85.00
  • Parking outside of an authorized parking space $50.00
  • Disregard of a traffic control device or sign $50.00
  • No decal $50.00
  • Expired decal $50.00
  • Parking in a space over the allotted time $30.00
  • Improper placement/ display of a decal $30.00

Fines may be paid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the Campus Safety office or mailed with the original citation to:

Rollins College
Department of Campus Safety
1000 Holt Ave. – 2734
Winter Park, FL 32789-4499

If paying by check, please make it payable to Rollins College and include your decal number, citation number and R-Card ID number on the check.

Fines must be paid within 14 calendar days of the issue date on the citation. Citations unpaid for more than 14 calendar days will be transferred to the student’s account with a $20.00 service charge for each past due citation.

The Campus Safety Department utilizes immobilization devices (boots) to aid with the enforcement of college parking policies. Your vehicle may be immobilized if you have accumulated three or more citations, paid, unpaid or appealed.

After your second citation on an unregistered vehicle and third citation on a registered vehicle, the vehicle will be immobilized at that time - and every time moving forward - if they are found in violation of traffic or parking policies. A vehicle will remain immobilized until the appropriate fine is paid or 5 calendar days pass. On the 5th calendar day, the vehicle will be towed from campus.

If your vehicle is immobilized, all citations owed, plus an immobilization fee must be paid before the immobilizer is removed.

Schedule of immobilization fees:

  • First Immobilization $60.00
  • Second Immobilization $85.00
  • Third Immobilization $110.00
  • Each Subsequent Immobilization $110.00

Once a vehicle has been immobilized, do not attempt to move the vehicle or severe damage may occur. Tampering with or removal of an immobilizer may result in immediate revocation of parking privileges and an additional fine of $200.00. Theft of an immobilizer is a felony and could result in criminal prosecution. A vehicle may be immobilized on Rollins College property, at the discretion of the Director, due to public safety concerns.

Vehicles may be towed from Rollins College property for one or more of the following reasons:

  • The vehicle is operated by an individual whose campus parking privileges have been revoked.
  • The vehicle has been issued three or more parking citations.
  • The vehicle is displaying a forged, altered or unauthorized parking permit/ decal.
  • The vehicle is abandoned, inoperable or derelict.
  • The vehicle is parked in a driveway or travel lane in a manner that impedes vehicular traffic flow, constitutes a traffic hazard or blocks the operation of/ access by emergency vehicles.
  • The vehicle is parked in a reserved space or a space marked by a tow away sign.
  • Parking on the grass.

The tow company is responsible for any damages to vehicles during the performance of a tow.

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