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Career & Life Planning

Applying to Graduate School

Learn more about whether graduate school is right for you.

Grad School or Job?

Learn more about whether graduate school is right for you.

Going to graduate school is a tremendous investment of time, energy and financial resources. Take time to think about WHY you want to attend graduate school.

Good Reasons to Go to Graduate School:

  • An advanced degree is required for entrance into your chosen field. 
  • You are willing to complete additional coursework or gain work experience to be competitive.
  • You have researched the profession and there is a strong match between your skills, interests, values and what the program specifics.
  • You have a strong desire for advanced studies, regardless of your specific career goal.
  • You want to teach at the college level or conduct research.
  • Obtaining an advanced degree will increase your earning potential.

Consider Alternatives to Graduate School If..

  • You hope to avoid or delay your job search.
  • You are still uncertain about your career direction.

Schedule an appointment with a counselor in the Center for Career & Life Planning to discuss your options.  

Pre-Med, Pre-Law, or Pre-Engineering? Contact an Advisor:

Pre-Law Advising: Eric Smaw, 
Pre-Health Advising: Dr. Marisa Fuse,
Pre-Engineering Advising, Dr. Whitney Coyle, 

Check Out the Graduate Programs Rollins has to Offer: 

Master of Arts: Applied Behavior Analysis and Clinical Science

Master of Arts: Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Master of Business Administration - Offered through the Crummer Graduate School of Business

Master of Human Resources

Master of Public Health

Master of Liberal Studies

Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Strategic Communications