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The chapel and its services represent Rollins' unique heritage and adventurous founding. From morning until late at night, the chapel provides a place of meeting, a place of quiet, and a visible reminder of the relationship between the religious life and the academic search for truth.

Fun Fact: The bell in the chapel tower, which rings at noon every day and for all chapel services, is the same bell that called students to class on the first day of classes in 1885

About Knowles Memorial Chapel

The Dean of Religious & Spiritual Life acts as the pastor of the College. There are weekly gatherings for prayer, communion, and meditation, and Interfaith programming that provide a distinct aspect of student life at Rollins. The Dean of Religious & Spiritual Life also provides pastoral and personal counseling to staff and students, regardless of religious orientation.

Through worship, study groups, fellowship, Bible studies and retreats at the chapel, religious & spiritual life and values are enhanced, and students are encouraged to grow in their religious understanding and faithfulness.

Worship Services

Weekly gatherings for prayer, communion, and meditation are held during the academic year in Knowles Memorial Chapel. These gatherings are led by the Dean of Religious & Spiritual Life, and all are welcome!

Student Religious & Spiritual Life

Religious and Spiritual Life at Rollins is valued across a wide spectrum of faiths, spiritual traditions, and expressions. The campus fosters an open and inclusive climate while supporting all faith and spiritual journeys.

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Music & the Arts

Music plays a major role in the life of Knowles Chapel. The Rollins College Choir sings at the Christmas Vespers, and services for Family Weekend and Founders Day, Alumni Reunion Weekend, Easter and Baccalaureate. Concerts and recitals are presented in the chapel all through the school year. The 155 voices of the Bach Festival Choir perform to standing room only at the annual, renowned Bach Festival held in the chapel every winter.

Visit Bach Festival Website Visit Bach Festival Website

Weddings at Rollins

Get married in the picturesque Knowles Memorial Chapel that exudes class and elegance. Learn more by contacting 1885 Events.

Explore Weddings at RollinsExplore Weddings at Rollins

Meet the Chapel Team

  • Rev. Dr. Harold Dorrell Briscoe, PhD, DMin

    Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life


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  • Heidi Zissman, MS, Ed

    Associate Director of Jewish Life


  • Cari Rotenberger

    Program Coordinator

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