COACHE is the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education, a research-practice partnership within the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a network of 300 peer institutions dedicated to improving outcomes in faculty recruitment, development, and retention. Their Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey collects faculty perspectives on their work experiences in order to identify the drivers of faculty success and to implement informed changes.


Rollins will be re-administering the COACHE survey in Spring 2025, and will share the data in collaborative conversations with faculty and administration to take evidence based action.

The 2020 Survey

From February 13 to April 10, 2020, Rollins College administered the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey to all full-time faculty. 62% of all full-time faculty at Rollins responded to the survey.

The Results

In the early fall of 2020, COACHE sent a summary report and shared the data with Rollins College's Director of Institutional Analytics. The report was shared with the Faculty Advisory Committee, so they could plan the debriefing with the broader faculty, including hosting a series of conversations. This initial report gave us many reasons to celebrate, but also lead to some good questions about where we needed to take action.

Faculty Debriefs

In the fall of 2020, the COACHE Faculty Advisory Committee hosted 10 faculty feedback sessions to share the results and gather feedback for further analysis of the data. From the faculty conversations above, the Faculty Advisory Committee provided some recommended lines of inquiry for further analysis of the data.

Further Analysis of Data

The 2020 summary report provided by COACHE is a "10,000 feet" view of aggregate quantitative data, which provides some snapshots of overall responses and responses by specific groups, as well as some themes to explore further.

Drawing on these themes and lines of inquiry provided by the faculty, the next step was a deeper dive into the quantitative data and a qualitative analysis of the many comments that make up the survey data.

Initial Actions Taken

The Diversity Council is rebooting the faculty of color affinity group that used to be called Common Vision.

The Provost's Office and the Endeavor Center supported a three-month book group on Building Gender Equity in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Change, which also has monthly Zoom sessions with the authors. The goal was for this group to develop some specific proposals to carry forward on campus.

The Provost, the Dean of the Faculty, and the Endeavor Center Director represented Rollins in a three-institution team working on "Multiple Measures for Evaluating Teaching" as part of a larger group through the Associated Colleges of the South/ACS, funded by an Arthur Vining Davis Grant. The other teams worked on “Student Evaluations of Teaching,” “Holistic Measures of Excellence,” and “Developmental Approaches and Mentoring.” The goal is to build resources for all ACS campuses.

More COACHE Survey Information

  • Celebrations

  • Results & Reports

  • Contacts & FAQ