2024 Program
Registration will take place in the main hallway in front of the conference rooms. Someone will be present beginning at 8:30am.
Breakfast is buffet style and located next to the registration table. Please eat and mingle in Park 3.
Wifi: Network: The Alfond Inn Wifi. Password: alfond2013.
Park 2
Moderator: Patricia Tomé, Rollins College
Who Does Paradise Belong To? – The Political Economy of Tourism in Vieques, PR
Raleigh Kreis, Tulane University
Motocicleatas Lúdicas
Sabrina Woodward, Southwestern University
Coatlicue’s Resistance
Alexander Morena Espinosa, Rhodes College
Park 5
Moderator: Moderator: Alvaro Torres-Calderón, University of North Georgia
Medicine and Spirituality Across the Ages: Indigenous Traditions from Apocalypto to Ixcanul
Marco Ljubic, Rollins College
Becoming In(visible): Exploring LGBTQ+ Oppression in Panama and Creative Activism
Sarah Brady, Tulane University
Park 1
Moderator: Isabel Caballero, Tulane University
Relatos Salvajes y el Mundo Argentino
Victoria Santa Lucia, Rollins College
Classism through Film
Jose Alma, Rollins College
La Creación de ‘Che’: La Actitud de Apertura en Díarios de Motocicleta
Sof Varnis, Southwestern University
Park 2
Moderator: Eldad Levy Guerrero, Rollins College
Colombian Women in the Drug Trade
Madison Goeser, Rollins College
The History of Organized Crime
Maria Scott, Baylor University
Park 5
Moderator: Claire Strom, Rollins College
Yahritza y Su Esencia: Redefining What Womanhood Looks Like Through Music
Kristiane Maynard, Tulane University
Reimagining Feminism Within the Anarchist Movement: The Intellectual Legacy of Luisa Capetillo
Lucy Page, Rhodes College
Keynote and Lunch
Park 3
Jon Horne Carter
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Appalachia State University
“Peacock’s Feather: On Ethnographic
Research and Environmental Defense in Honduras”
Abstract: For many years now, environmental defenders in Honduras have taken great risks to resist large-scale energy and extraction projects backed by state military and paramilitary forces. Though migrant caravans leaving Honduras have been one of the most visible manifestations of the displacement and violence within these struggles, less visible to the international community have been occupations of land by environmental defenders which draw extraction projects to a standstill. Herein I will examine how the material conditions of these resistance efforts have not only disrupted extractivist projects, but have also disrupted familiar notions of self, community, and ecology in Honduras. Seen this way, an "occupation" is not just confined to a particular situation unfolding at a particular time, but becomes a collective project with the potential for reframing ideas of citizenship, family, and landscape in Honduras -- at the very moment that the contradictions of late-liberalism would banish them to wastelands of violence, incarceration, and ecocide. For this talk, I will organize my thoughts around two questions: (a) What futures become thinkable, when such occupations are experienced as a process of socio-environmental experimentation? (b) How might the creative and nimble practices of these very occupations also destabilize the ethnographer, enlivening the senses, attention, and awareness subsumed within the stale term "methods"?
Park 1
Moderator: Andrés Romero, Rollins College
Documenting the Undocumented: How the Inaccessibility of Healthcare for Undocumented Migrants Leads to Alternative Practices in SW Florida
Amor Poalasin Pogyo, Rollins College
The Venezuelan Exodus: A comparative analysis of the Venezuelan diaspora in the United States and Chile
Jazmin Naxcell Montes, Rhodes College
Extractivism in Latin America
Yesica Trejo, Rhodes College
Park 2
Moderator: Joshua Savala, Rollins College
La creación de una edición digital colaborativa de la Revista Tierra (1923)
Adele Manwell and Erin Garry, University of North Florida
Nationalism within Muralism
Jorge Romero, University of North Georgia
Sentir es vivir y vivir es sentir
Brenda Almanza, University of North Georgia
Park 5
Moderator: Barry Allen, Rollins College
Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Ecuador
Andres Ridley, Tulane University
Reforestation and its effects on insectivory in the Ecuadorian Chocó
Celia Acosta, Tulane University
How Biodiversity Builds Homes: Ecotourism in Rural Costa Rica
Jackson McGeough, Rollins College
Rollins Museum of Art
Gather in the hallway of the Alfond Inn (near the registration booth) and walk with Rollins students and faculty to the Rollins Museum of Art and a guided tour with Dr. Gisela Carbonell.
Evening Reception
Bush Building- Atrium
Join us for a reception with food and beverages in the Bush Atrium on Rollins College campus.
Follow along with Rollins students and faculty for the short 10-minute walk.
Peacock's Feather on Ethnographic Research and Environmental Defense
Friday, March 22, 2024 at 12:00 pm
The Alfond Inn - Park 3
Dr. Jon Carter
Dr. Jon Carter is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Appalachian State University. As a sociocultural anthropologist, he is interested in criminality, aesthetics, and politics, particularly in Honduras, where cartel violence and state corruption have forced tens of thousands to flee the country as refugees and undocumented migrants.
For many years now, environmental defenders in Honduras have taken great risks to resist large-scale energy and extraction projects backed by state military and paramilitary forces. Herein I will examine how the material conditions of these resistance efforts have not only disrupted extractivist projects, but have also disrupted familiar notions of self, community, and ecology in Honduras. Seen this way, an "occupation" is not just confined to a particular situation unfolding at a particular time, but becomes a collective project with the potential for reframing ideas of citizenship, family, and landscape in Honduras--at the very moment that the contradictions of late-liberalism would banish them to wastelands of violence, incarceration, and ecocide.
For this talk, I will organize my thoughts around two questions: (a) What futures become thinkable, when such occupations are experienced as a process of socio-environmental experimentation? (b) How might the creative and nimble practices of these very occupations also destabilize the ethnographer, enlivening the senses, attention, and awareness subsumed within the stale term "methods”?