
A Message to the Rollins Community on Election Day

November 05, 2020

By Grant H. Cornwell

Archway entrance to Rollins campus off Fairbanks Avenue.
Photo by Scott Cook.

As we face unprecedented times and a historical election, President Grant Cornwell calls for mutual respect and civility.

As a nation, we have endured a year of unprecedented challenges. On this Election Day, we have seen historic voter turnout nationwide. We are exercising our right to vote, some in our campus community for the first time, and making our voices heard.

Regardless of the outcome of today’s election, let us engage with one another in ways that demonstrate mutual respect. We all care deeply about our country and our college community. The political expression of respect is civility. These are critical ingredients in a healthy civil society and essential for the sense of fellowship needed for democracies to thrive.

Never has our nation, and our world, had a greater need for graduates who are deeply, thoughtfully, rigorously educated for global citizenship and responsible leadership. Never has our purpose to uplift our common humanity been more urgent, more relevant, or more critical.

We are and will continue to be an inclusive community of learners with a common purpose that can only be realized with integrity to the extent we engage our differences respectfully. I write to ask us all—students, faculty, and staff—to recommit to our mission this week as we move forward and progress as a nation. I believe we can make Rollins a model for our nation and the world, a place where serious people of good intention can work together to create new knowledge, deeper understanding, and greater humanity around our shared aspirations for a healthy democracy.

Thank you in advance for representing Rollins well during this important election. Please refer to the Democracy Project Instagram for a wide range of election and post-election events and spaces designed to support and engage our community.

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