The following information is to be used as a guide. You should make your own determination of which, if any, of the following offices is most appropriate to contact for your situation.

Anyone with a concern can notify the Threat Assessment Team by contacting the Dean of Students office during typical business hours at 407-646-2345. 24-hour assistance can be reached through Campus Safety at 407-646-2999.

In the event of an Emergency Call 911.

I am a student in need of assistance:

I am a faculty/staff member or graduate student worried about a student:

I am a parent worried about my student or another student:

I am an employee in need of assistance:

I am a faculty member in need of assistance, or worried about a faculty member:

I am someone who is worried about an employee:

Encourage the employee to talk to one of the following:

I am someone else in need of assistance:

The following are community resources, and the information shared with them will not be communicated with College officials.