
Alumni News

Falecia Williams

A Path to Purpose

Falecia Williams ’91 expanded her world by earning a Rollins degree. Now, she is working to expand the worlds of thousands of college students.

Toby Rice ’04

What I’ve Learned: Toby Rice ’04

Toby Rice ’04 shares key lessons from his rise to the top of a Fortune 500 company, including how his time at Rollins—most importantly, as captain of the 2004 baseball team—formed the foundation for his success.

Isabel Artemis DeJesus ’11 ’15MBA

Infinite Impact

A leader in the social impact space, Isabel Artemis DeJesus ’11 ’15MBA sees the promise of connecting passionate people with meaningful opportunities.

Lord ’69 ’71MBA ’16H Nominated for Housing Colorado’s Eagle Award

Rollins Trustee David Lord ’69 ’71MBA ’16H has been nominated for Housing Colorado’s prestigious Eagle Award.

Adkins ’81 Inducted into Georgia Tech’s Engineering Hall of Fame

Rodney Adkins ’81 has been inducted into Georgia Tech’s engineering alumni hall of fame, which honors those who have achieved major engineering milestones in their professional careers.

A collage of Rollins alumni.

Class News: April 2024

In this monthly roundup, get the latest on what’s happening in the lives of your fellow Tars.

A collage of Rollins alumni, President Grant Cornwell and Anil Menon.

Class News: March 2024

Welcome to Class News: March 2024. Hop on the Tar tour bus with us as we visit alumni throughout the eastern U.S.

A collage of Rollins alumni

Class News: February 2024

Welcome to Class News: the Valentine’s Day edition! In addition to the latest on what’s happening in the lives of your fellow Tars, we're highlighting love stories that started at Rollins.

Bryce Pittenger

Leading with Humanity

An embodiment of one of Rollins’ most treasured tenets—life is for service—Bryce Pittenger ’87 has dedicated her career to improving lives.

Sam Hocking poses for a portrait in the lobby of an office building.

What I’ve Learned: Sam Hocking ’87

Sam Hocking ’87 shares his top takeaways from a life and career defined by an incredible capacity for reinvention.

Rollins alum Ann Francis ’01

Eco Pioneer

The Hamilton Holt School helped Ann Francis ’01 make a midlife career change, and Rollins has never been the same since.

Rollins alum Jeannie Infante Sager ’94

Born to Give

Jeannie Infante Sager ’94 shares how a fortuitous topic at Rollins started an unexpected career journey into philanthropy.