A child and parent smile together in the CDC.

Parent involvement is an integral part of the Child Development Center's program and philosophy.

We value parents as partners in their child's education in the lab.

Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement is an integral part of the program and philosophy of the Child Development Center. Our families share information about their child including developmental profiles, and parents participate in developmental screening using the Ages and Stages Screening tool. Teachers connect with parents first with home visits and then via face-to-face daily communication, electronic applications and through weekly email communications. We plan several workshops each year on topics ranging from Kindergarten Readiness, to How to create visual schedules for children's learning.

Parent volunteers support special projects at the Child Development Center, including our gardening project, annual Trike-a-thon, annual DSACF Walk, annual Art Show and our biannual Pot Lucks.

Prospective Parents

If you are interested in your child attending the Child Development Center, we invite you to contact us and schedule a tour of the facilities. Following your tour, complete an application at the button below.

Admission Policy

Application Application