Emergency FAQs
Emergency FAQs
Where can I find the most up-to-date emergency information from Rollins?
Where can I find frequently updated information from the National Weather Service?
National Weather Service website.
Where can I find storm updates for Orange County?
Follow important storm updates at the Orange County website.
Does Rollins have a hurricane plan?
Rollins’ hurricane plan, which is part of the College’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), sets out preparation procedures, designates responsibilities to administrators, and outlines courses of action to be followed in response to a possible tropical storm or hurricane. As a StormReady institution, Rollins is in direct contact with meteorologists in the local National Weather Service office.
I have not experienced a hurricane before. What should I expect?
Familiarize yourself with safety procedures. Orange County Emergency Management offers this Hurricane Safety Guide for your information.
It’s important to remain calm. College officials closely monitor tracking information from NOAA’s (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) National Weather Service, as well as Orange County Emergency Management. The area of uncertainty in terms of where a storm will make landfall is often large. Since these storms can change frequently (strengthening, weakening, or changing course), College officials operate with an abundance of caution to protect students and College facilities. The College’s EOP is enacted in anticipation of weather events. Regular updates about storms that may affect campus can be found at www.rollins.edu/emergency.
What types of things do I need in an emergency preparedness kit?
What is a reliable weather source that I can monitor?
The National Hurricane Center is the best resource to find accurate and up-to-date forecasts. Orange County Emergency Management is the best source for local information about storm impacts.
Are students allowed to stay in their residence halls during a hurricane or tropical weather event?
Weather events are unpredictable, and campus officials will make decisions in the best interest of the Rollins community. If the College closes, residential students will be notified if residence halls will remain open or if evacuation is necessary.
When is evacuation of campus necessary?
If the safety of our students, faculty and staff is threatened, the campus will be evacuated (except for emergency essential staff.) All residential students are asked to provide their personal hurricane plan through the Hurricane/Emergency Evacuation Tracker, found in MyRollins. All off-campus students are highly encouraged to complete and submit the tracker as well.
What are my options if I need to evacuate campus?
You may travel home, go to a friend or family member’s home or to a hotel. Should you need to use an American Red Cross-approved shelter, the College will organize transportation for you. Students needing assistance can contact the Student Outreach & Resource Center at care@rollins.edu or call 407.646.2345.
What preparations can I make on campus before a storm?
If you are a student living in a residence hall, or a faculty or staff member, move personal items and electronics away from windows and off the floor. If you have plants or bicycles, move them indoors. Raise items that could be damaged by flooding off the floor. Empty and unplug refrigerators.