Student loans can be a practical way to make up the out-of-pocket cost of college. Here's what you need to know.
Rollins participates in the federal Direct Loan Program and PLUS Loan Program.
Rollins has established a Student Loan Code of Conduct. Please note, if you are graduating at the end of the fall semester, review information on loan proration as your loan amounts will be impacted.
Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
A Federal Direct Loan is a low-interest-rate loan for students that can be used to help pay for your college education. Eligibility for this award is determined through the financial aid application process. Annually renewable by completing the FAFSA (and showing demonstrated need) and maintaining a 2.0 GPA with at least a 67% completion rate of attempted courses.
Learn More Learn MoreFederal Parent PLUS Loan
The William D. Ford Federal Direct PLUS Loan is available to the parents of dependent undergraduate students and professional students. Applicants with no adverse credit history can apply for a PLUS loan up to the full cost of attendance, less other financial aid. The student for whom the parent PLUS loan is being borrowed must complete the FAFSA. In the cases of a non-custodial parent PLUS applicant, even though their financial information is not required on the FAFSA, certain general federal aid eligibility requirements must be met. For more information regarding this program or to apply online, click below.
Learn More Learn MorePrivate Student Loans
Private student loans are credit-based loans utilized by students who either do not qualify for federal student aid or who may need supplemental financing to meet their educational costs. To qualify you need to be a credit-eligible borrower.
Learn More Learn MoreTake the First Step
Applying to Rollins is the first step to finding out how much aid you qualify for. Start an admission application today with no application fee, no required test scores, nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
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Connect with a Financial Aid Counselor
Schedule a phone call or video chat with one of our expert counselors to get answers to all your financial aid questions.
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