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We depend on generous donors to offer the highest quality productions, invest in state-of-the-art spaces and equipment, and build enriching experiences for our emerging artists.
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Join the Annie Russell Theatre Guild
The Annie Russell Theatre Guild supports the Department of Theatre and Dance while building relationships with one another. They meet roughly five times each year and host four signature events: picnics for our student artists on two-show days. For more information on becoming a member of the Guild, please contact (407) 646.2253 or
The Annie itself was a gift from a dear friend to its namesake. That spirit of giving is carried on by our generous donors. For more information about giving to Theatre & Dance, contact or (407) 646-2253.
We are particularly grateful to Philip & Sigrid Tiedtke and Sally K. Albrecht ’76 for their extraordinary support of our program.
Director ($1,000+)
Annie Russell Theatre Guild
Alexander ’73 & Jennifer Calder
Bonnie ’84 & Van Church, in loving memory of Dorothy Martin & Rispa Church
Joseph A. Adams ’82 & Daniel Dodson
Clive Frazier
Steven A. Hale, in memory of Elaine Hale and Gregory Richmond
Daniel D. Ramey ’70 & Lorrie M. Kyle ’70
Harold F., Jr. & Rosa Mills P’27
Thomas Ouellette & Richard Russell
Designer ($500+)
Cary C. Fuller ’65
Valerie Jahn Grandin ’78 P’16 P’17 P’19MBA
Peter & Leslie Aufzien ’78 Levine
Jay Yellen & Betsey Maupin
Ron Hirsch & Betty Reid ’87MBA
David Piatt
Andrea Thomson -
Lead Actor ($250+)
Russell M. Blackmer, III ’94
Dean Bosnak
Patricia Sigmon
Donna Miller
Douglas & Jeanann Glassford ’79 Power
Stan & Shari Sujka
John ’82 & Abigail Andrews ’83 Tierney
David Patrick ’77 & Thomas Tryon
Ensemble ($100+)
Brenda Adeeb
Walter Arnold ’74MAT
James B. & Lynn Burke ’98 Bogner
Jennifer L. Brazzell P’25
Henry A. Cooper ’76
Henrique Correa P’18 & Maria Teresa Correa de Oliveira ’12MBA P’18
Olivia Haine Demarco ’02 ’15MBA
Kevin & Beth Dickinson ’93MBA Griffin P’16
Denise Gillman & Christopher Ellis
Thomas E. Glenn
Carol L. Gort ’97
Peter Haigis ’65
Linda J. Heinl
Chad & Shannon Helton ’94
Steven Henry P’25
Jennifer K. Johnson ’89
William B. Johnson, III ’77
Andrew ’89 & Maija Judelson
Diane Kerkhoff
Donna Lockhart
Aleksandar Markovic ’11
Edward E. Maxcy ’66
Steven S. Neilson P’96
Jennifer Newman P’26
Kenneth & Susie H. Ng P’08 P’09MBA P’15 P’16MBA
Kevin O’Barr ’91 & Gregory Moore
Gary & Carolyn Planck
Ruth M. Ramos ’92
Steven ’83 & Sara Moss ’82 Reich
Anna K. Stephens
Gartrelle Wilson