Student Center for Inclusion & Belonging
Diversity & Inclusion
Inclusion and Belonging Advisory Board
Works closely with the leads of identity based organizations and diversity and inclusion chairs of other stuent organziation to foster a collaborative environment and create change in the Rollins community. This board is a collaborative inititive with Student Govenment Association, the Student Center for Inclusion and Belonging and the Center for Involvement. Initiatives include:
- Actively listing to concerns from students from various identities
- Collaborating on programming centering various cultures
- Advocating for change to improve the student experience
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Education
Every January the Rollins community celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Beginning with an observance of the national holiday in his honor, continuing with a full slate of events offered by departments and organizations across campus, and in the surrounding community.
Culture and Heritage Celebrations
At Rollins we observe six cultural and heritage month celebrations. These include:
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- LGBTQ+ History Month
- Native American Heritage Month
- Black History Month
- Women's History Month
- Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Additionally, we symbolically other identity and cultrally based days of significance. Including, but not limited to, Lunar New Year, Diwali, and National Coming Out Day.
Let's Get LITerary: Podcast
Let’s Get LIT[erary] is co-hosted by Sam Vega, Jen Atwell, and Kourtnie Berry. Each month you’ll find a new episode on a book we’ve chosen for many of the cultural heritage months. On occasion, we might choose a book that is special and meaningful book to us.
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Student of Color Retreat
Our center invites up to 50 students who identify as a student of color to participate in a 2 day retreat. During this time, students have the opportunity to:
- Explore thier identity and the identity of other communities of color
- Build connections and community
- Increase their understanding of power, priviledge and oppression
- Increase their awareness of campus resources, including mental health and wellbeing