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Professor of Political Science

Dr. Julia Maskivker specializes in political theory and political/social philosophy. Her research is in democratic theory and the ethics of participation, with an emphasis on the morality of cooperative action in democracies. Additional interests include issues of labor justice and equality.​


BA, Political Science, Universidad Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ph.D., Political Science, Columbia University

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  • The Value of Participating for Others: Good Citizenship and Democracy (in progress)
  • Dialogues in Democracy: A Response to the Critics (in progress, under contract)
  • The Duty to Vote (Oxford University Press, 2019)
  • Democracy, Rationality and Justice: The Legacy of Jon Elster, co-editor (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
  • Self-Realization and Justice: A Liberal Perfectionist Defense of Freedom from Employment (Routledge, 2012)