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It is the mission of the Accessibility Services Team at Rollins College to address barriers to learning, facilitate accessible learning environments, and champion equal access for the entire campus community. We do this by:

  • Facilitating consultations and collaboration with faculty, staff and students.
  • Interacting with students to determine individualized and sustainable approaches to learning strategies.
  • Educating the campus community about disability, access, independence and self-advocacy.
  • Providing accommodations to students with qualifying disabilities.
  • Modeling best practices across all dimensions of wellness to support the campus community.

Requesting Accommodations

Accommodations can be requested by students who are enrolled at Rollins College, have received their R-Number and have access to MyRollins. Students will fill out a request form in MyRollins and will be asked to provide documentation that supports a connection between disability and the requested accommodation(s). We accept any of the following:

  • Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plans (must include diagnostic information)
  • Psychoeducational/Neuropsychological/Cognitive Evaluations
  • Medical Records
  • Educational Records

Student files, including disability documentation, are stored confidentially and are only accessible to Accessibility Services professional staff members.

Each student will be evaluated on an individual basis through a review of documentation and an interactive meeting with the student. We recognize the value of the student's experience and perspective and therefore work collaboratively to develop an accommodation plan together. Accommodations are not one-size-fits-all.

Examples of Reasonable Academic Accommodations

  • Testing Accommodations:
    Extended time
    Distraction-reduced environment
    Computer usage on exams for word processing
    Limiting of exams per day
    Use of a reader/scribe
  • Note-Taking Accommodations:
    Computer usage in class
    NoteTaking Express
  • Other Academic Accommodations:
    Textbooks in alternative formats
    Course substitutions (Foreign Language)
    Sign language interpreters/captioning services

Additional Accommodations Available at Rollins

  • Housing - due to a medical necessity. Must complete the Medical Provider Form.
    Deadlines for requests:
    Incoming Students for Fall Semester: May 30th
    Incoming Students for Spring Semester: November 11th
    *Note: Space is limited for spring requests
  • Meals - Rollins College has a variety of healthy dining options provided by Sodexo that meet the nutritional needs of most students. However, meal plan accommodations may be requested if specific dietary requirements, allergies, intolerances, or health conditions exist.
  • Campus Safety Escort List - Students with chronic health conditions or temporary conditions, such as a broken leg, can request a Campus Safety ride from one campus building to another.
  • Temporary Disability and Pregnancy
  • Emotional Support Animals (see below)

Emotional Support Animals

Students living on campus must contact the Office of Accessibility Services to be approved for an accommodation to have an emotional support animal live with them in campus housing prior to bringing that animal into campus housing. We recommend that students do not make a deposit on an animal, or make irrevocable plans for bringing an animal to campus until they have met with the Office of Accessibility Services and received approval in writing to have an ESA on campus.

The ESA request process is conducted before the start of each new semester. Mid-semester requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed to be approved for the immediate semester.

To learn about the application process visit MyRollins.

Before deciding whether to submit a request for an ESA, please carefully consider the following factors related to having an ESA in residence.

  • Only students with substantially limiting mental health disabilities are eligible for ESAs. Medical documentation will be required.
  • ESAs that are allowed in college housing may be a dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, gerbil, fish, turtle, or other small, domesticated animal that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure.
  • Students requesting an ESA must communicate with any students that will be directly living with them in the assigned living space (room, suite, apartment, etc.) about having an ESA and obtain the agreement of those students to have the ESA in the living space.
  • The age of any dog approved as an ESA must be at least one year, and the age of any cat must be at least 6 months. Dogs and cats must be fully vaccinated and spayed/neutered.
  • ESAs cannot be left alone or with any other student overnight in college housing and must be caged or crated during the day when the owner is not present. ESAs are not permitted in any other indoor spaces on campus other than the owner’s assigned room.
  • Animals in residence require a significant amount of attention and care; before proceeding, please carefully consider your responsibilities as a student and other campus obligations (sports, activities, work, etc.) to determine whether or not you can provide adequate care and attention to your ESA.

Note: An approval for an emotional support animal does not automatically approve students for a housing accommodation, such as a single room. A separate request and documentation is needed in regards to any medical housing accommodation request.


Accessibility Services is committed to upholding the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title IX by ensuring equal access to our campus experience.

Students wishing to obtain accommodations should complete the appropriate application process in MyRollins. If you have questions, please contact the Accessibility Services Office at or 407-975-6463.

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