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Office of International Programs

Spring Break Field Studies

Engage with history and culture like these Rollins students visiting the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt.

Engage with history and culture like these Rollins students visiting the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt.






Please note: program dates may change to accommodate changes to the Rollins academic calendar.

  • Application deadlines vary by program!
  • Applications open in August.
  • Find out How to Apply
  • In accordance with the CDC, International Programs urges all study abroad students to be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 to reduce risks of illness.
  • Students can apply for need-based scholarships through the program application. Awards range from $500-$2500 and post to the Student Account in late January (for programs in Dec., Jan. and March) and late May (for summer programs).
  • To provide access to these programs for as many students as possible, students who received funding from Rollins for a Field Study or Summer Approved program will generally not receive funding for a second Field Study/Summer Program.

Application Deadline: November 4, 2024

Two of the most influential theorists and practitioners of psychotherapy are Sigmund Freud and Viktor Frankl, both creating and refining their work in Vienna, Austria to develop methods to help those experiencing psychological distress. Students will travel for 8 days to Vienna to learn about the lives and culture that shaped their indelible mark on the field of psychology. Additionally, the course will explore the influence of history, religion and WWII on the experiences of each of these preeminent thinkers. In Vienna, activities will include exploring the city, studying the history of Vienna, visiting museums directly related to the work of Freud and Frankl, touring the universities in the area, studying the impact of WWII and the Jewish religion on each person as well as the broader culture, and visiting the Mauthausen concentration camp. We will then mimic Freud’s escape from Nazi occupied Austria during WWII, traveling from Vienna to London. In London, we will spend a few days exploring the historical context that influenced Freud’s work and visiting the Freud museum in London. 

  • Program Leaders:  Andrew Luchner and Todd French 
  • Program Location: Austria and the United Kingdom 
  • Tentative Travel Dates: March 8 – 16, 2025 
  • Credit: 2 - Credit/No Credit 
  • Prerequisites: Completion of pre-departure assignments and attendance at all pre-departure meetings 
  • Course Requirements: 2-4 pre-departure meetings, preparatory course readings and assignments, reflection papers, onsite journaling, presentations 
  • Anticipated Number of Students: 12 
  • Estimated Program Fee: $2,950 
  • Program Fee Includes: Tuition, housing, breakfasts, on-site activities, public transportation, program administration, and emergency insurance. 
  • Estimated Additional Costs: Roundtrip airfare from Orlando International Airport (MCO) $1,000, trains to and in London $268, lunches and dinners $200, airport transfers $65, personal expenses $112, federal loan fees $0, books/course materials $0, and professional licensure/certification $0.  
  • Visa: Not required for U.S. Citizens 
  • Special Notifications:The program will require significant amounts of walking, walking on uneven ground and stairs, strenuous activities, and transit that could induce motion sickness including one overnight on a train. 

* All dates are tentative and subject to change depending on the final number of students, final costs and other considerations.  

** Estimated costs for all programs are based on anticipated numbers of students, current exchange rates and commercial airfares. Costs are subject to change. Final prices will always be communicated to accepted students before they commit to the program. 

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

This field study offers an in-depth exploration of Cambodia's rich history, vibrant literature, and diverse culture spanning from the 9th to the 21st centuries, with a special focus on the Khmer Kingdom, the powerful and influential state that dominated Southeast Asia from the 9th to the 15th centuries. We will delve into the evolution of the Khmer civilization, the splendor of the Angkor period, the impact of European colonialism, and the complex modern history including the Khmer Rouge era and the tourist boom to Angkor Wat following its starring role in Laura Croft: Tomb Raider (2001). In addition to exploring Siem Reap, the massive temple complex of Angkor Wat, and Phnom Penh’s Killing Field and Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, our travel itinerary will also take us to several local villages where we will learn about the project of recovering and preserving Khmer culture, language, and literature. All applications are welcome, but priority consideration will be given to students with demonstrated financial need; can’t participate in a semester-long study abroad program; and/or are fulfilling either their rFLA300 or ENG course requirement. 

  • Program Leaders:Jana Mathews and Emily Russell 
  • Program Location: Cambodia  
  • Tentative Travel Dates:March 6-16, 2025 
  • Credit: 4 credits, letter  
  • Prerequisites: For RFLA credit: RFLA100 and two 200-level RFLA courses (the second of which may be taken concurrently with this course), or the equivalent in the Honors Program. For ENG credit: ENG190 or instructor approval. 
  • Course Requirements: 2-3 essays, readings and weekly discussion posts, research project, field study reflective and critical writing assignments, creative project 
  • Anticipated Number of Students: 16 
  • Estimated Program Fee: $3,200 
  • Program Fee Includes: Round-trip airfare from MCO, accommodations, on-site transportation and activities, breakfast and dinners, visa 
  • Estimated Additional Costs: Passport $165, personal expenses, lunches, passport, and incidental personal spending 
  • Visa: Yes - available on arrival and covered in program fee 
  • Special Notifications: Trip involves walking up to 2-3 miles per day on rough terrain in hot and humid climate

* All dates are tentative and subject to change depending on the final number of students, final costs and other considerations.

** Estimated costs for all programs are based on anticipated numbers of students, current exchange rates and commercial airfares. Costs are subject to change. Final prices will always be communicated to accepted students before they commit to the program.

Application Deadline: November 4, 2024

This Field Study is part of an rFLA 300-level course titled “Learning and Teaching about the Holocaust.” During Spring Break in 2025, we will travel for 6 days to Washington, DC, to learn about social and educational issues related to the Holocaust. You will have engaging conversations with staff and a Holocaust survivor at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and we will meet with Hillel students from a major university in Washington. We will stay in a nice hotel near the downtown, eat in good local restaurants, and visit art and history museums such as the Smithsonian Museum of American History and the World War II Memorial. A vital part of the trip will be our conversation with organizations such as the Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors. In the end, we will determine individually and together what we have learned from the experience that helps us to make sense of current societal issues.   

  • Program Leader:H. James McLaughlin 
  • Program Location: Washington, DC 
  • Tentative Travel Dates:March 6-10, 2025 
  • Credit:4, for the entire course, letter grade 
  • Prerequisites:Two 200-level rFLA courses completed 
  • Course Requirements:For the field study, a set of questions to pursue before going, a daily journal and leadership in debrief sessions during the trip, and a Field Study Reflection paper after returning 
  • Anticipated Number of Students: 14 
  • Estimated Program Fee: $1,400 
  • Program Fee Includes:Accommodations, all local transportation, all admissions and activity costs, 2 meals 
  • Estimated Additional Costs: Round-trip airfare to/from Washington DC $300, personal expenses, 5 lunches and 3 dinners 
  • Visa: Not required for U.S. Citizens
  • Note: Does not fulfill global experience requirement.

* All dates are tentative and subject to change depending on the final number of students, final costs and other considerations.

** Estimated costs for all programs are based on anticipated numbers of students, current exchange rates and commercial airfares. Costs are subject to change. Final prices will always be communicated to accepted students before they commit to the program.

Application Deadline: November 4, 2024

This incredible service immersion opportunity will introduce Rollins students to local communities: experiences in the capital city, Port of Spain, and the small town of Madura will provide a look into the everyday, textured life of this island nation. Substantial time will be spent working with community partners focused on conservation (forest fire prevention, climate change, reforestation, turtle protection), community development, and cultural heritage. Students will have the opportunity to learn from local experts, visit a range of non-profit organizations, and engage in direct service projects. During the time abroad, students will also learn about the unique history and environment of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as its rich cultural and religious diversity through activities like visits to the Caribbean Indo Museum and a bird sanctuary. Ongoing discussions and a journal will allow students to reflect on their experiences and build competencies for global citizenship and responsible leadership. 

  • Program Leader:Meredith Hein or Sam Justice 
  • Student Site Leaders: Yes 
  • Program Location: Trinidad and Tobago 
  • Tentative Travel Dates:March 8-15, 2025 
  • Credit: Not for credit 
  • Prerequisites: N/A 
  • Course Requirements:Pre-trip meetings and reflection (not graded) 
  • Anticipated Number of Students: 12  
  • Estimated Program Fee: $3,300 
  • Program Fee Includes: Round-trip airfare from MCO, housing, most meals, program activities,  on-site transportation, program administration and international health insurance 
  • Estimated Additional Costs:Passport $165, personal expenses, a few meals, transportation to/from the airport in Orlando 
  • Visa:  Not required for U.S. citizens 
  • Special Notifications: Some locations are rural with limited access to healthcare. Students with mobility challenges could encounter issues on uneven terrain/roads during program activities

* All dates are tentative and subject to change depending on the final number of students, final costs and other considerations.

** Estimated costs for all programs are based on anticipated numbers of students, current exchange rates and commercial airfares. Costs are subject to change. Final prices will always be communicated to accepted students before they commit to the program.